Wednesday, March 18, 2015

CHANGES in Batman Miniature Game

Sooooo, the new BMG rulebook is out, and some things have changed.....

And they are good. With a couple play throughs, we have found they have improved, cleaned up, and streamlined many of the small issues. Without much extra ado- lets get into the changes (because the list is so long, we arn't going to talk to much about the changes here, but we will in the future). Some of these changes have been clairified in the FAQ (LINK TO FAQ)

All the NEW major changes (I think):

New Equipment/ gangs- We have been over this before (new lists for organized crime, wonderland, scarecrow, riddler, court of owls, etc)

New riddles- Riddles have changed DRAMATICALLY, from a weird precog guessing game to a simple chart. Masterminds and detective got a buff with them too.

Rof on the move- You can shoot THEN move- I was originally resistant to this- but in practice, doest change TOO much

Crossfire- you must now roll to damage- say goodbye to your old deadly shuriken (this is a "complication" of the old rules"

BATCLAW- The specifics of use (and name) of batclaw have been clarified.

Coup de grace- This is a huge (great) change- there are some kinks in it though.

One shot gun-can now be dodged- ACROBATS REJOICE!

Grenades- Can be targeted on the ground, so they can attack around corners and hit high DEF opponents easier- curious to see how this plays out!

Knocked down characters are no longer hit on a 2+ by RANGED WEAPONS, only Melee. This is a major change- and helps the high DEF models out a bit. This applies to KO models as well, as there are no special rules on them.

You can not steal loot anymore

Jumping down- your JC is not halved when jumping down- Gravity Expressway!

Affininty is by character now, not gang- so "chained" affinity will work.

Counter- Attack is resolved FIRST, so you can knock out your attacker before they even get to damage!

Sewers deploy first before lamps

lamps and sewers can now be near each other (lamp next to a sewer)

Secret objective (strategy)- this strategy used to be a little useless- you can NOW take an objective twice with this strategy. Helllooooo 2x ammo (or titan, or riddle- 4 riddles!). Note: your "standard" 3 objectives must still all be different, so this only allows you to double up one objective.

change of plans- This can now be used to override the basic objective placing rules, so you can move it closer to another objective, or near scenery!

Objectives as small obstacles and markers are officially now: you many not stand on them, but you may move over them. 6+ Ping.

Stupid models can go in sewers and use batclaws afraid of the mobile titan henchmen!

Hidden models now have to be out of line of sight of enemies (so no deploying in contact with your enemy. Because of this Total Vision models have a buff (as they see the entire board) and counter the skill. Hidden models still can deploy in their deployment zone (per FaQ)

1 comment:

  1. I'm still waiting for my book so this is good to see. I'm really interested to start playing with the revised rules. With only three games experience so far, I think I have a good enough grasp of the basic game flow and will be able to learn the changes easily enough.
